Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) @ The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Injury prevention and awareness program.

P.A.R.T.Y is an injury prevention and awareness program run at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. Young adults are invited to attend the hospital and experience the relity of trauma. They have the opportunity to speak with real life patients and their families about what it is like to be in hospital and how their choices have impacted on their lives. We encourage our participants to make smart choices and think twice about taking risks, to prevent harm to themselves and others.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital runs two types of programs. The Schools program and the Intervention Program. The Intervention Program is run in partnership with Department of Juvenile Justice and targets 18-25 years olds and the Schools program is funded by the Department of Health and targets Victorian adolescanets 15-19 years of age. Both programs have been running at RMH since 2011.

P.A.R.T.Y is a day long program run in the hospital where the adolescents are exposed to presentations, scenarios, real patients and their families as well as a chance to feel what it might be like to be injured and suffer from a disability. In addition they hear from an injury survivor on how risk taking behaviour has changed their life. Once returning to school, students are encouraged to further explore risk relate trauma and its effects

Non-profit organization